Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Star Trek: Dominion - Part 9


While all the commotion was going on aboard the Hunter Crewman

Richmond was being dragged and carried back to the ship over the

destroyed hulks of the devastated fleet, all the while his precious

oxygen was slowly bleeding from his torn suit. They could not call

for help because it would not arrive in time and the Away Teams were

unaware of the Hunter ’s predicament.

When they arrived back at the saucer section they found, to

their delight, that the ship had emerged from its hiding spot and was

much easier to gain access to. They hauled the, by now, inert form of

Crewman Richmond through the airlock and waited for the atmosphere to

be returned to the room so that they could remove their helmets. As

soon as they did they called for a Medical team to meet them in the

airlock. While they awaited their arrival Crewman Richmond was

attended to. His helmet was released and removed so that he could

breathe and a tricorder was scanned over his body. It revealed what

they had expected but were hoping against. They were too late.

“Bridge, Crewman Richmond didn’t make it.”

When that message came over the comm system the bridge became

deathly quiet. Everyone looked to Jim to see how he would respond.

Richmond was the first crewman to die under his command. He swallowed

hard and gently pushed the comm button on his chair.

“Understood. Report to me on the bridge as soon as you can.”

“Aye sir.”

It was the hardest thing that Jim had ever had to do to keep

his voice level as he gave his orders.

“Alright people. We still have jobs to do. Let’s get to it.”

He then slowly made his way to the Ready Room leaving

Lieutenant Flynn in command. No sooner had the doors closed behind

him than the tears began to fall. He stifled the sobs in his left arm

as he wrapped his arms around his head. He had never had to deal with

something like this before. The closest he had come was when his uncle died when the Borg had decimated a forty vessel strong Federation fleet at Wolf-359 years earlier.

Five minutes later as Ensign Blackman exited the turbolift onto the bridge Jim re-emerged from the Ready Room. He had taken the time to compose himself before he stepped back onto the bridge. Blackman spotted him coming from the Ready Room and walked over to him and gave him a brief account of what had happened.

To Be Continued....

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